Can be fitted to suit applications.
Robust polyethelene wall.
Slots for forklift.
Ribbed surface for strength.
Through holes for light & strength.
10-year manufacturer’s warranty.
This rainwater tank uses the best linear low-density food grade polyethylene and in guidance with the following standards:
AS/NZS 4766 (INT) Polyethelene storage tanks for water and chemicals.
AS/NZS 4020:2002 Aust.Std. for drinking water.
AS 2070 Part 1 & Part 8 Aust. Std. for food contact.
Other Details
Capacity:1,100 Litres (245 Gallons)
Outlet Size:25mm Poly Bung
Outlet Type: Tap Fitting For High Tap
Overflow:90mm PVC Mesh Overflow
Lifting Lugs: Yes